Character design

Various Character Designs

These are some of the designs I made from the character of Leonard in my 2D animation. When designing the character I wrote a list his characteristics(Stupid, clumsy which I would later use to help me in crating the general look of Leonard in different styles, I drew Leonard in different styles so that I can try out new and different styles using inspirations and imagination.Whist drawing these different designs of Leonard I tried kept to keep some of his character defining details within all the designs e.g shaved sides and buck tooth.

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Final Design 

This is my final design for Leonard, I used all the best elements from my favourite designed in the creation of this design of Leonard, I feel like that even though I could have created a better overall design but I would have found it very difficult to animate within my project which is the cause for his design so simple. The character design alone was good but it also didn’t relate to my story ‘Star Wars- Jedi’ so I added a accessory which is seen with in Star wars.

character design


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